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Navigating HOA Board Communications: Best Practices for Email Correspondence

Wise Property Solution

Homeowners' Associations (HOAs) play a crucial role in maintaining the harmony and well-being of communities. Within an HOA, the Board members are entrusted with various responsibilities to ensure the smooth functioning of the association. One aspect often overlooked is the significance of email communications among board members. Not only is it vital for effective collaboration, but it also holds legal implications, as these emails are considered association records. In this blog, we will explore best practices for HOA Board members regarding email communications.

1. Create a Separate Email for HOA Business:

Separation of personal and professional matters is fundamental in any organizational setting, and HOAs are no exception. Board members should establish a dedicated email account specifically for HOA business. This helps maintain a clear distinction and ensures that important communications are not lost amid personal emails.


2. Avoid Mixing Personal and Business Information:

Refraining from mixing personal and business information within the same email account is crucial. HOA-related emails should be focused on matters directly concerning the association. This separation not only enhances organizational efficiency but also aids in maintaining the privacy of personal matters.


3. Stop and Think Before Deleting Emails:

One of the common pitfalls in email management is deleting emails before considering their importance as an association record. HOA Board members should stop and consider deleting any association-related emails. These communications are considered association records and may be subject to legal review. Consider adopting a document retention policy to ensure a transparent and accountable record-keeping system.


4. Utilize the Management Company's Board Portal:

Many HOAs work with professional management companies that provide secure and efficient board portals. These portals are designed for HOA business and offer a centralized document storage, communication, and collaboration platform. Encourage board members to use the board portal for official communications instead of relying solely on email.


5. Maintain Professionalism:

Emails exchanged among board members should always maintain a professional tone. This not only reflects positively on the association but also avoids unnecessary misunderstandings. Board members should remember that their communication is a representation of the HOA as a whole.


6. Avoid Deliberations and Decision Making in Emails:

Emails are not the appropriate platform for making decisions or engaging in deliberative discussions. These matters should be reserved for official meetings where all board members can actively participate. Decision-making via email can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, hindering the association's progress.


In conclusion, effective email communication is a cornerstone of successful HOA governance. Board members must be mindful of the legal implications of their email exchanges, treating them as association records. By adopting best practices such as using separate email accounts, avoiding the mix of personal and professional information, refraining from carelessly deleting emails, utilizing management company board portals, maintaining professionalism, and avoiding decision-making in emails, HOA Board members can contribute to the overall efficiency and harmony of the association. Following these guidelines not only streamlines communication but also safeguards the association's interests in the long run.

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